Howdy, my name is Holly Tri, and I'm a visual artist! and sometimes I do music stuff too. All the time it's been in my life, I have been obsessed with the internet. We live our lives online, love online, even find adventure and danger online...and yet most often we treat what happens in these halls as fictive. Easy to cast off against the scores of much easier to explain reality. What is real? What is not? Where do our real selves end and our bodies stop? Some single-celled organisms have things called psuedopodia. Limbs and legs are not true; often, mouths and hands. I reckon the way our selves extend across the wires to be a form of digital-psuedopodia. We grasp blindly, hoping to gobble up some sort of etheric connection in the darkness. I think, given the severity of this, we ought to treat the net with more kindness. Your soul lives online. Nurture it well...